Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Black Now???

I know I am a little bit late for black history month, but this is a poem that expresses my feelings about it.

Whats the definition of black history?
Is it recollections of misery? or a struggled peoples triumphant tendancies?
Doesn't make sense to me, cuz its gotten us no where
We just jock Dr.King for a month, and don't touch it again for the whole year.
Don't talk about racisim like it's a new thang,
Cuz it's still members of the Klan, and I aint talking bout wu-tang
We've made little progress, but we not quite there
Dr.King said he had a dream, well I'm still having nightmares
They still hanging bodies in the south, and that mess is scary
That's why I feel we shall overcome, but by any means neccesary
Cuz them racists don't fight fair
They said Mychal Bell assaulted someone with an all white pair of nike airs
thats proof right there, and I swear I was gon loose it
when Don Imus disrespected them girls and ya'll blamed it on rap music
Now I hope ya'll not that stupid,
To think he walk around in a du-rag, banging NWA, come on now thats foolish
Basically, we still got progress to make so
we need to stop living in the past, find our real problems and face those.